Saturday, November 10, 2012

Grandma Passa's Buns!

Grandma Passa's Caramel Rolls and Buns

Dissolve 2 packages yeast (not fast rising) in 1/2 cup warm water (not hot)

2/3 c. sugar
3 tsp. salt
1/2 c. powdered (dry) nonfat milk
2 c. warm water (can heat in microwave, but do not make too hot)
3/4 c. canola oil
approx. 3 c. flour
Yeast mixture
2 beaten eggs (whipped)
flour (first mix with mixer, then spoon, then hands)
knead until doesn't stick to hands
fold over into ball
put a little oil on top and flip over
cover until approx. double in size (1-2 hours/depends on how warm it is in the kitchen)
knead down and let rise once more
cut dough in half (1/2 for rolls and 1/2 for buns)

take a small piece of dough and fold it under, flatten it, and place on cookie sheet
oil tops of buns with canola oil
cover and let rise approx. 1 hour

bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes


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