Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bok Choi Tofu Pad Thai!

12 oz. tofu, pressed and diced
1 t. curry powder
4 bunches baby bok choi, chopped
2 green onions, diced
2 green garlic, diced
1 T. coconut oil
12 oz. vermicelli noodles
1/3 c. peanut butter
2 limes, juiced
1 T.  soy sauce
1 T. rice wine vinegar
1/4 c. water
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 t. sriracha
1/2 c. cashews, chopped

Saute tofu with curry powder in a skillet or bake in the oven until crisp and golden.  Meanwhile, Saute bok choi, green onion, and green garlic in coconut oil until soft.  Boil a pot of water and turn off the heat.  Add noodles and let sit in the hot water for 10 minutes or until soft, stir every few minutes.  Drain noodles and toss with the bok choi.  Simmer and whisk together peanut butter, lime juice, soy sauce, vinegar, water, brown sugar, and sriracha.  Toss with the noodles and bok choi.  Top with chopped cashews and cilantro. 

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