Saturday, January 3, 2015

Birdies in Baskets!

2 T. oil
12 oz. frozen hash browns
1 t. pepper
1/4 c. cheese
12 eggs
12 t. basil pesto
12 cherry tomatoes, halved

Prepare frozen hash browns by browning them in a large skillet over medium heat, 10 minutes per side or until crisp.  Grease each muffin cup and press hash browns into the bottom and sides of each cup.  Divide cheese into each hash brown lined cup.  Crack an egg into each cup.  Top each egg with tomato halves and pesto.  Sprinkle with more pepper and cheese if desired.  Bake at 350 degrees for 18 minutes or until whites are set.  Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

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