Saturday, October 26, 2013

Spaghetti Squash with Marinara Sauce!

1 large spaghetti squash
10 roma tomatoes
3 cloves of garlic
1/4 c. fresh basil
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 sprigs of thyme
2 T. olive oil
1 t. black pepper
1 t. salt

For spaghetti squash:
Poke holes in squash and microwave for 10 minutes or until soft enough to cut in half lengthwise.  Scoop out the seeds and pulp and place squash halves cut side down on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.  Scrape the cooked squash with a fork to create spaghetti strands.

For marinara sauce:
Cut tomatoes in half and peel garlic cloves.  Roast tomatoes and garlic on a baking sheet with 1 T. olive oil for 45 minutes at 375 degrees.  Puree roasted tomatoes, garlic, basil, rosemary, thyme, olive oil, salt, and pepper in a food processor.

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